Romeo and Juliet for 2

A handful of students from Halepi-Wilson FLS enjoyed a night at the theatre last night Febuary 21st.
We saw Romeo and Juliet for 2 at Avlaia Theatre. This uniquely playful depiction of the greatest love story of all times made the ending all the more 'woeful'. The cast of two young actors gave a brilliant performance taking on all the characters of Shakespeare's most famous play in an ingeniously clever way. The 'one-man-band' who accompanied them throughout the play added to the freshness of the performance.
We absolutely loved it!

" The play last night was funny and all of us enjoyed those full of feelings scenes. "
Theodora Tzotrtzidou FCE

"It was very romantic. I liked it!!!!!"
Nassos Martinis PreFCE

"It was a really good play and really humourous but so much clapping !!!!!"
Matthew Sakas PreFCE

The play was fantastic because 3 actors managed to play 10 roles apart from their own!"
Achilleas Efremidis FCE

" The play we watched last night was awesome! I really liked it"
Illiana Salti Cs

" The play, Romeo and Juliet for Two, was a very interesting play because two actors played all the roles."
Stavroula Takidou.

" The show was amazing and the cast did a very good job. It was perfect and it gave you a sense of satisfaction. It was worth watching!"
Roula Mantzari FCE

"I think that from all the plays I have seen in theatres, this one was by far the best."
Manos Giatsoglou FCE