Class: Pre FCE 2
Date Curriculum Homework
Date Curriculum Homework
27/01/2025 Checked H/W and did SB U5 Writing in class. Did WB p.55 exercises and p. 56 Listening. 1. WB p. 55 Writing 2. Prepare for U1-5 Test
24/01/2025 Grammar:p.82-85 Grammar:p.83 study and copy, p.85-88 Glossary:p.28-29 Test un.5
22/01/2025 Checked H/W and did SB p. 78,79 up to ex. 4 1. SB p.79 ex. 5,6 2. Revise U5 Voc. and Grammar 3. Do Hamilton Platform U1-5 in preparation for U5 Quiz and U1-5 Test
20/01/2025 Did Wednesday's H/W together Did Listening SB p. 82 1. Study Comp. 5,92-5.130 2. SB. p.77 prepare 1'Talk 3. WB p.54 4. Do as much of the Hamilton Platform U1-5 in preparation for U1-5 Test 5. Comp. p.67 ex. 2,3 and p.p.68,69
17/01/2025 Checked h/w Grammar p.68-69 copy, p.77-81 Glossary p.25-27
13/01/2025 Checked Spelling and H/W. Did SB p.p.74,75 1. Comp. 5.43-5.91 2. WB p.p.50-53 3. SB p.71 One to One
10/01/2025 Test un.3-4 Grammar:p.67-69 Grammar:p.68-69 study, p.70-76 exs Glossary:p.24-25
08/01/2025 Went over Progress Test 2 and began U5. Did p.p.69-71 ex.4 1. Comp. 5.1-5.42 2. SB p.71 ex.5,6, p.p.72,73 3. WB p.p.48-49
30/12/2024 PET Screening Test Pass Mark 16/32 NG
18/12/2024 Did Progress Test 2 1. Global. Find out about a space mission to talk about. 2. Test on 30.12.24
16/12/2024 Checked H/W. Completed all of U4 and did Quiz 4 SB Explore p. 63 for XMas
13/12/2024 Student's:p.59-66 Test un.3-4
11/12/2024 Checked H/W and did SB p.p.62,63,66,67 1. SB p.63 Explore (for Christmas) 2. SB p.68 3. Comp. study the rest and do p.p.55,56 4. WB p.p.42,43 + Essay , p.p.45-47
09/12/2024 Checked Spelling and H/W and did p.p.60-61 (exercises) 1. SB p.61 The essay 2. SB p.p.64,65
06/12/2024 Grammar p.62 Checked h/w Glossary p.21-23
04/12/2024 Checked Copy and did SB p.p.56-59 1. Comp. 4.53- 4.123 2. SB prepare for the talk about 1 of the topics on p.59 3. WB p.p.58-42
02/12/2024 Checked H/W up to WB p.37 ex.4 SB p. 54,55 Copy Voc. into notebooks
29/11/2024 Checked h/w Glossary p. 19-20(4.1-4.48) Grammar p.49-52 study, p.52-58
27/11/2024 Checked H/W and spelling and began U4. Did SB p.p.51-53 1. Comp. Do p.p.42,43 and study 4.1-4.37 2. Do SB p.p.54,55 3. Do WB p.p.36,37 4. Study for Quiz 3
25/11/2024 Checked H/W + Spelling. Did p.p.46,47 and SB. p.50 and WB p.34 (Listening) 1. SB Writing (Review) p. 47 2. Comp. 3.79-3.95
22/11/2024 Did Quiz 3 and began U4. Did up to p. 53 ex.3 Study the modal verbs and do p.p.53-58
20/11/2024 Checked Spelling and H/W and did p.p.44,45 Played Games 1. Comp. 3.53-3.78 2. SB p.p.48,49 and 45 (1'Talk) 3. WB p.p.32,35
18/11/2024 Checked H/W and Did SB p.p.42,43 up to ex.9 1. Copy p.40 ex.3,4 and p.41 ex.5,6 into Voc. notebook (for Monday) 2. Do Wb p.p.28,29,20,31 3. Comp. 3.30 - 3.52 4. SB p.43 ex.10
13/11/2024 Presented Haunted Houses Began U3 - did up to p.39 1. Comp. 3.1-3.29 2. Find a Guiness World Record 3. SB p.39 1'Talk 4. SB 40,41 5. WB p.26,27
11/11/2024 Checked H/W. Went over the test. Did SB p.p.30,31 and WB p.p.24,25 1. Find a haunted House to present. 2. WB p.23 and p.21 Writing
08/11/2024 Grammar p.43-47 Test un.3
06/11/2024 Did Quiz 2 and Progress Test 1 1. Do Platform U2 2. Comp. 3.1-3.29
04/11/2024 Checked H/W and Spelling and did SB and WB Listening. Played Games Study for Quiz 2 and Progress Test 1
01/11/2024 Grammar p.34-38 Grammar p.39-42 Glossary p.15-18 spelling
30/10/2024 Checked Spelling and Comp. exercises. Checked 1' Talk. Did SB p.p.28,29 1. Write SB p.28 Story 2. SB do p.p.32,33,34 ex.2 and p.p.35,36 3. Comp.2.133-the end 4. Revise for Quiz 2 and Progress Test 1 5. WB p.p.18-20
25/10/2024 Progress test Grammar p.34-38 study and do exs Glossary p.16-18
23/10/2024 Checked H/W and did Functional Grammar p.32 ex. 38-40 and SB p.p.26,27 1. Comp. 2.104-2.132 Revise p.p.29,30 and Voc. and do p.p.31,32 2. SB p.27 1'Talk 3. Hamilton Platform U1+2
21/10/2024 Checked Spelling and H/W. Went over used to and be/get used to. Did WB p,18,19 up to ex. 5 1. Comp. 2.83-2.103 2. Revise Past Simple and Past Continuous, used to and be/get used to 3. WB p.19 ex.6
18/10/2024 Grammar:p.32-33 Test un.2 Test un. 1-2 Glossary p.15-16
16/10/2024 Checked Spelling and H/W Did SB p.p.24,25 ex.7 1. Comp.2.44-2.82 2. WB p.p.16-17 3. SB Copy p.p.22,23 ex. 1,2,3,4,5, do p.25 ex.8,9,10 and read the texts on p.p.20,21
14/10/2024 Began U2 did up to p.22 1. Comp. 2.1-2.43 2.WB p.p.14,15 3. SB p. 21 One to One and p.24. 4. WB U1 Writing
11/10/2024 Grammar:p.28 Grammar:p.29-30 Glossary:p.11-14
09/10/2024 Did Quiz 1 and SB U1 Writing in class. Gave them Coupon codes for the Platform 1. Sign up to Hamilton Platform and do U 1 exercise for Monday.
07/10/2024 Completed U1(Not Writing) Will do Writing on Wednesday Revise for U1 Quiz
04/10/2024 Grammar:p.18-21,p.27 Test un.1 Grammar:p.19-26 study an do exs Glossary:p.9-10
02/10/2024 Checked H/W and did List. SB p.13. DId p.14, did ex.1-5 1. Comp. Study the rest of it and do p.p.18,19 2. SB p.16,17 ex.1 and p. 18 3. WB p.10,12,13 ex.3
30/09/2024 Checked Spelling and H/W Did SB p. 12 ex. 2,3 1. SB Prepare SB p.13 1' Talk and do ex. 3,4 2. Comp. 1.147-1.167
27/09/2024 Student's:p. Test un.1 Glossary:p.6-8
25/09/2024 Checked Spelling and H/W and did p.p.10,11 (Grammar) 1. Comp. 1.101-1.146 2. WB p.p.6-9 3. SB p. 11 ex. 10 (Pref 1)
23/09/2024 Checked Spelling and H/W and copied Voc. p.8 ex.4 argument, confusion and p.9 ex.6 accept/except 1. Comp. 1.83-1.100 2. Copy ex. 4 and ex.6 from SB p.8,9 For Wednesday
20/09/2024 Grammar:p.4-9 Grammar:p.5-7 study, p.10-13 exs Glossary:p.5-6 spelling
18/09/2024 Checked H/W and Spelling and did up to p.8 to ex.3 (Pref 1) All of p. 8 (Pref 2) 1.Comp. 1.53-1.82 and copy 'Useful Words' from p.9 2. SB p. 8 ex. 5 and p. 9 (Pref1) SB p.9 (Pref2) 3. WB p.p.4,5 4. SB p.7 One to One
16/09/2024 Did up to p.6 Gave the list of note books 1. SB p.9 2. Comp. 1.1-1.52