Τάξη: FCE Summer
Ημερομηνία Διδακτέα ύλη Καθήκοντα
Date Διδακτέα ύλη Καθήκοντα
26/11/2024 Did Speaking FCE and ECCE Checked H/W REVISE!!!!
22/11/2024 FCE BK1 Tst3 NG
21/11/2024 Activate Checked H/W and did Activate up to p.179 ex.a and p.180,181 ex D Study U14 and do p.179 ex.BC and p.182-187
19/11/2024 Checked H/W and did the rest of WB p.p.78,79 and Listening p.76 1. Study and do p.p.110-113 SB
16/11/2024 ECCE Bk 2 Test 6 NG
15/11/2024 cheched H/W Ultimate and Activate. Completed U7 Ultimate Did FCE Test 2 U7 WB Reading, Vocabulary and Gramar exercises Activate U13
12/11/2024 Checked H/W and did Vocabulary and Grammar. Did Writing exercises 1. Do U7 SB Writing (ex.4) Bring Ultimate as well as Activate on Thursday. 2. Will do FCE Test on Thursday
07/11/2024 Checked U12 H/W and did Quiz 11. Did ECCE Speaking John did ECCE Test 5 1. Do Review 4 p.p.161-163 2. Study for Progress 4 and Quiz 12
05/11/2024 Went over Use of English From FCE test. Did FCE Speaking practice. Go over the Writing in the SB BOOKs and your mistakes in the practice tests.
01/11/2024 FCE Bk1 Tst1 NG
31/10/2024 Did Quiz 10 and finished U11. began U12. Did up to p.152 Do p.p. 153-160 Study for U11 Quiz
30/10/2024 Checked H/W, did U6 WB Writing exercises and began U7 Study for Quiz 6 and U5,6 Test WB U6 Writing
24/10/2024 Checked Ultimate WB and Activate H/W. Began Activate U11. Did up to p.141 Did Ultimate U6 Writing exercises. 1.Activate p.p.142-147 (for Thursday) and study forn U10 Quiz 2. Ultimate: U6 Writing and SB p.p.90,91,93,94 (Tuesday) 3. WB p.p. 66-69(Tuesday) 4. Comp. exercises U6 (Tuesday)
22/10/2024 Went over ECCE Test. Did ECCE Speaking. Checked H/W Revise U6
15/10/2024 Checked H/W and did Grammar and Listening from SB 1. Comp. 1.45-1.110 2. WB p.p.58-63
10/10/2024 Did Mid-Year Test. Began U10 Activate. Did p.p.125-127 ex.B Revise Reported Speech and do p.127 ex.C and p.128
08/10/2024 Checked H/W didQuiz 5. Will do Mid-Tear test on Friday. Began U6 Did p.p.79-81 ex.3 1. Comp. 6.1-6.44 2. SB p.81 ex.4-p.83 This H/W for Friday.
05/10/2024 FCE Sample Test 3 NG
28/09/2024 ECCE BK2 Test 2 (Friday 27.09.2024) NG
27/09/2024 Activate U9 Quiz and Review 3 Done on Tursday 16/9/2024 NG
26/09/2024 FCE Practice Test 2 NG
24/09/2024 Went over FCE Sample Test 1 Use of English Checked H/W and did p.p.67-71 up to ex.6 1. SB p.71 ex.7 2. WB p.p.48-53 3. Platform to Grammar of U5
19/09/2024 Checked H/W and completed Θ9 1.Do p.p.121-123 2.Study for U9 Quiz and Review 3 (U7,8,9)
17/09/2024 Did U4 Quiz and Progress Test 2 Went over Writing U4 and did the exercises. 1. Writing U4 SB p.59 ex.5 (Article) 2. Do SB p.p.68,69
12/09/2024 Checked H/W and did p.p. 108-111 1.Study the theory of U9 and do p.p.112-114 2. Prepare for U8 and U9 Quiz