Τάξη: FCE 1
Ημερομηνία Διδακτέα ύλη Καθήκοντα
Date Διδακτέα ύλη Καθήκοντα
18/12/2024 Checked test Same h/w Revise vocabulary and grammar
16/12/2024 Did Progress Test2 and began U7. Did up to p.89 ex.F Study Relative Clauses and do from p.89 ex.G - p.96
13/12/2024 Student's:p.65-67 Student's:p.68-69 Workbook:p.50-51 Companion:p.57-60 spelling
11/12/2024 Progress test Workbook:p.48-49 Companion:p.55-57 spelling
09/12/2024 Checked H/W and did Review and Quiz 6 Study for Progress Test 2 (U4-6)
06/12/2024 Test un.4 Progress test un.3-4 Student's:p.63-64
04/12/2024 Student's:p.60-62 Test un.4 Workbook:p.44-45 Companion:p.53-54
02/12/2024 Did Quiz 5 and continued with U6 1. Study Vocabulary of Activate U6 and do p.p.75-81 Tudy for U6 and Progress Test 2 U4-6
29/11/2024 Checked h/w Workbook p.43 Companion p.49-50
27/11/2024 Student's:p.58-59 Student's:p.59 writing
22/11/2024 Did Grammar pages in SB and did Listening (SB+ WB) and Speaking 1. Comp. 4.117-4.150 2. WB p.p.38-41
20/11/2024 Student's:p.52-53 Student's:p.54-55 study and do exs Companion:p.44-47
18/11/2024 Did Quiz 4 and began U5 up to p.63. 1. Study U5 Voc. 2. Do p.p.63-65
15/11/2024 Did U3 Test and went over it. Began U4. Did p.p.49-51 1. WB: p.p.36,37 2. SB p.p.52,53 3. Comp. 4.1-4.55
13/11/2024 Student's:p46-48 Workbook:p.34-35 Companion:p.40-41 Test un.3
11/11/2024 WEnt over Quiz3 and Progress Test 1 Did up to p. 55 Do p.p.56-58 and study for U4 Quiz
08/11/2024 Student's p.44-45 Workbook p.33
06/11/2024 Student's:p.42-43 Student's:p.43 prepare problem solvers Companion:p.40-41
04/11/2024 Checked H/W and did Quiz 3 and Progress Test 1 Read the Grammar theory and did up p.50 ex.B Study p.p.46-49 and do p.p.50 εex.C- 53 Study the Vocabulary U4
01/11/2024 Student's p.40-41 Companion p 36-37 Workbook p.30-31
30/10/2024 Student's p.38-38 Companion p.32-35 Workbook p.28-29
25/10/2024 Student's p.35-37 Companion p.30-32 Workbook p.26-27
23/10/2024 Test un.1-2 No h/w
21/10/2024 Checked H/W and did Review 1 (U1-3) Study for U1-3 Test and Quiz 3
18/10/2024 Student's:p.31-34 Workbook:p.22-25 Test un.1-2
16/10/2024 Student's:p.28-29 Workbook:p.21
14/10/2024 Checked H/W and did up to p. 33 1. Study for Quiz 2 2. Do p.p.34-42
11/10/2024 Student's:p.26 Workbook:p.20 Student's:p.27 ex.3(in your notebook),p.30 Companion:p.28-29
09/10/2024 Student's:p.24-25 Workbook:p.18-19 Companion:p.24-25
07/10/2024 Checked H/W and did up to p.25 ex D Do p.25 ex. D to p. 29
04/10/2024 Student's:p.22-23 Workbook:p.16-17 Companion:p.20-23
02/10/2024 Student's:p.20-21 Test un.1 Workbook:p.14-15 Companion:p.19-20
30/09/2024 Checked H/W and did U1 Quiz1. Began U2 and did up to p. 21 ex.D 1st Blog 1. Finish p.21 and do p.p.22-24 2. Study Glossary U2
27/09/2024 Student's:p.14-15 Workbook:p.11 Test un.1
25/09/2024 Student's:p.12 Workbook:p.10 Student's:p.13 ex.1,3,4 (take notes), p.16 Workbook:.12-13
23/09/2024 Checked H/W and did p.p.13-15 Sudy for Quiz 1 Do p.p.16,17
20/09/2024 Student's:p.10-11 Companion:p.17-18 Companion:p.12-14 soelling, p.15-16 studu Workbook:p.8-9
18/09/2024 Student's:p.5-9 Workbook:p.4-7 Companion:p.5-12 spelling
16/09/2024 Began U1. Did up to p.7 1. Revise the theory and do p.p.8-12 2. Write about your experience of learning English in the school.